Wendy L. Marshall, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist

Foot & Leg Salt Glow

Your lower legs and feet will be given a rejuvenating, exfoliating massage using  a salt scrub made with epsom salts, peppermint essential oil* and olive oil.
After the scrub, warm steamed towels will be applied to remove the salt scrub mixture. Then a wonderful massage will be given in those areas, using a creme made especially for lower legs and feet. Massage Cups can be applied to bottom of feet to lift and decompress those tissues that are compressed all day by our standing and walking on them. Cupping benefits by helping to release the fascia, and feels wonderful too!

This treatment is done while you are face up on the table.
 It can be an add-on at the completion of your regular massage, or can be a 'stand alone' treatment where you are face up on table for entire treatment. For the 'stand alone' treatment,
 prior to your scrub you will first have a wonderful massage which will include your  arms, hands, neck, shoulders, face and scalp, and upper legs.*

* If you prefer not to have an area massaged (such as scalp), it is possible to exclude one area. Also, if you would not like peppermint essential oil added to your scrub, this can be accommodated.  Please let me know in advance since I make your scrub the morning of your appointment.

As an add-on to your massage:  $40
Stand-Alone 1 hour treatment $95

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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