Wendy L. Marshall, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist

Wendy's Blog

FALL 2023 

There has been a recent uptick in COVID cases, but thankfully at this time not as concerning or deadly as in past years.  It is still a concern to many, and none of us wants to get sick with any virus.  Presently,  I do not require my clients to wear a mask when they visit my studio except WHEN they are face up on table, AND if they have a cough.  The reason for their cough does not matter.  Many people have allergies and other reasons for having a cough, but there may be unknown bacteria/virus that can be passed on to others, especially when we are in such close proximity. At this time, I will continue to wear a mask while my clients are face-up on table.  Of course, if a client wishes to wear a mask entire time while in my studio, and/or wishes me to do so as well, those wishes will be respected and accommodated. 

WINTER 2023/2024

I recently designed two add-on treatments:  a Mini-Facial, and a Foot & Leg Revival.  Click on individual tabs on left for info on these. 

Also, I will soon be adding massage cupping.  This is NOT the type where the cups are left on for an extended time and you end up with bright reddish purple spots.  Most of the time they will be in motion, and if left on it will be for a very limited time. Unlike regular massage which involves compression of soft tissue, Cupping lifts the tissue, thus freeing the fascia, which encases all our tissues.  This can increase range of motion and decrease pain due to lessening or removing the restrictions caused by tight fascia.  STAY TUNED!!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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